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Rumor Control for March 2, 2016

The Somers Report - Sabastian Kelly
Hello In Your Face Wrestling fans, my name is Buddy Sommers, and I'm the newest broadcaster In Your Face Wrestling.

Today, I want to delve into the recent actions of one Sabastian Kelly. Most people would wonder why I chose Sabastian Kelly to talk about as he's been on the biggest losing streak in In Your Face Wrestling, but something happened at the In Your Face Wrestling "We Stand Alone" show that really caught the attention of a lot of people. Following his loss to The Pantheon (Roman Dominguez & Salvatore Morrocco) and the walking out of his tag team partner Axel Lennox, Sebastian Kelly decided that he was going to jump and destroy his tag team partner, Kameron Yates. When he was done with Kameron, he started getting physical with ring announcer Walter Ball.

After doing some research I found out that Mr. Ball at one time was an in ring competitor, which is why he didn't back down from Sabastian Kelly. We don't know what it is that got into Mr. Kelly, but his best bet is to not pick on certain people because you never know what they might be capable of.

It's a shame to see a young man go down this path, but some say it's being brought on by one Dr. Philip Basket. Hopefully Sabastian Kelly can get his head together and by March 12th, have a respectable sportsman's match.

Until then this is Buddy Sommers wishing you all well and we'll see you at the show.

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